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Bacteria has more culture than you by Kim Grant Mosaics
Nasty Woman by Kim Grant Mosaics
Fierce by Kim Grant Mosaics
Mad fucking witches by Kim Grant Mosaics
I prefer bossy emotional bitch by Kim Grant Mosaics
Welcome my pretties by Kim Grant Mosaics
Fuck politeness by Kim Grant Mosaics
Resting bitch face by Kim Grant Mosaics
Nailed it by Kim Grant Mosaics
Destroy the joint by Kim Grant Mosaics
It's wine o'clock by Kim Grant Mosaics
Let me add that to my fuck it list
Fight like a girl
Stop talking
Less is more unless it’s coffee
It’s called karma
Please, mansplain it to me
A lady always wears gloves
Great minds drink alike
F*ck this shit
Home is where the bra comes off

Kim Grant


I have always been interested in vintage imagery, particularly how women have been portrayed through the ages. Coupled with a modern vernacular, the Fancy F*cking Ladies series offers another voice through light hearted humour, and challenges the viewer's notions and beliefs about women today.


To add a touch of badass humour to your life or for the renegades in your life, please head to my shop.



Fancy F*cking Ladies: Portfolio


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©2006 - 2023 by Kim Grant Mosaics. Please do not reproduce, copy or transmit without express written permission.

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